Monday, May 28, 2012

Introdution and Incontinence

Married 30 year old mother of 2 seeks emotional support for continuing medical issues.

Diagnosed with Polycistic Kidney Disease and secondary hypertension at 23.  Began medication to control blood pressure.

Struggling with anxiety and mental health issues after having 2nd child 15 months after 1st. 

Fast forward to 29 years and 8 months...

Dec 2011 - began taking Celexa.
Experienced my 1st migraine.  AskANurse sent me to ER for symptoms mimicking stroke.  After normal results from CT scan I was sent home with diagnosis of "just a headache".

Began experiencing angioedema (deep tissue swelling of my lips probably related to medication used to control my blood pressure). 

Many trips to urgent care for alternating facial swelling and migraines. Received injections of benadryl for swelling and adivan for migraines.

Spent a full weekend in the hospital to receive aggressive "DHE Protocol" treatment for migraines.

Dysfunctional bleeding, and severe menstrual pain lead to hysterectomy performed 4-18-2012.
I wasn't a candidate for laproscopic or vaginal surgery after 2 C-sections.  So had an abdominal hysterectomy.  Recovery was difficult. 4 days in the hospital.  1 entire day dedicated to trying to pee since my bladder refused to cooperate after the catheter was initially removed.  My Dr. perscribed valium which initially helped me void, but the effect was temporary.  Ended up with an overfull, spasming bladder. This was THE.MOST. horrific pain of my entire life.  And I once took a metal pipe to the face which resulted in exposed nerves in broken teeth.
Straight cathether was used to drain it and try again with no luck.  Late in the evening a foley catheter was put in place for overnight.  After threats of being sent home with a catheter things started working again.

At 5 weeks and 3 days post operation I woke up unable to control my bladder.  Out of nowhere.  This of course is the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend.  Walking around peeing my pants isn't necessrily and emergency, but it is HORRIBLY EMBARRASSING.  In the 10 minutes it took to get to walgreens and back with some diaper-like protection I soaked through a panty liner, my unerwear and my jeans!  My Dr. suspects UTI so she has prescribed an antibiotic and I will see her in the office this week. 

I am hoping this is just an infection.  But I am already afraid it's not that simple.  I feel as though I may be leaking urine from my vagina.  And after consulting Dr. Google I am terrified I have some sort of fistula. 

I am finding myself so incredibly frustrated with my body and things going wrong!

Hoping to get in to the Dr. ASAP tomorrow and see whats next.  OY! 

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